Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Birthday Bucket List

Every year Fred and I write a list of 12 new things we'd like to do before our next birthday. I love having something to look forward to and it's a brilliant motivator!

1. Complete Round 1 and Round 2 of Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide - equal parts excitement and dread on this one!

2. Go somewhere new - This is a bit of a cheat because we do a trip every year, in December we're off to Zurich.

3. Sewing - My aim is to complete 6 sewing projects this year.

4. Be a book worm - Reading is one of my favourite things but I still struggle to make time for it, this year I will read at least one book a month.

5. Watch a TV series in Spanish - I need to practice!!!!

6. Great Family Bake Off - Make one seasonal bake every season, so far I'm thinking; Apple Pie in Autumn, Cranberry Tarts in Winter, Easter Cake in Spring and Summer Fruit Drizzle Cake in Summer

7. Give up Facebook for a month - waaaaah this is going to hurt, who knows what I'll do with all the free time I'll have! Learn a language? Get a part time job? Achieve enlightenment?

8. Do a photography course - Fred bought me a great camera for Christmas last year which currently feels like it's under achieving!

9. Complete a photo album - I miss real life photo albums! Wouldn't it be nice to open an actual book of memories? Just a page or two with highlights from each month would make such a lovely keepsake.

10. Spending detox - for one month spend on NOTHING but food, bills, petrol - no dinners out or coffee treats or nice clothes no one needs!

11. Write at least once a week for 2 months - simples!

12. Move house - the one I'm most excited for!

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